Friday, 30 December 2011

Update 12

Hey guys!

Hope your had a great Christmas and all the best for the year ahead. Sorry this update has took so long, been super busy. 

  1. Welcome to new and existing members on Twitter and Facebook! The pages are still going strong, so thank you! 
  2. Christmas Session- Due to Sarah experiencing a leak in her living room ceiling the night before, she had no choice but to cancel as she had to wait in for the builders all day. We're sorry for any one who showed up!
  3. We will making some posters for our next session this week, look out for them in the next few weeks!
  4. We need to make a book choice for February. If you have any ideas, then just tweet us, FB us or email us. We'd love to hear from you! 
  5. Finally, our next session is on the 25th January. We are reading 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' which is on in the cinemas at the moment! Will be meeting at Bookends at 2pm. We hope to see you there! 
And that's it folks. If you require anymore information then email us at, or tweet us under @EHU_Bookclub or find us under Facebook under:- ehu bookclub. Hope to see you on the 25th January! And again, all the best for the year ahead!
