Monday, 20 February 2012

Update 14

Here's the latest news for you girls and boys:-

  • Re-Fresher's fair- We did get some new signings! Which is great news and we would like to thank the SU for giving us the opportunity to be present at this fair.
  • Book list- Incase you wasn't there at the fair, we did announce our books up till May. And here they are:- The Help- 29th February, The Woman in Black- 28th March, The Hound of the Baskervilles- 25th April and Salmon Fishing in the Yemen-30th May. Hope to see you there!
  • We are hoping for our posters to be advertised on the screens in The Hub soon, so keep your eyes peeled.
  • Twitter page is growing! Thank you lovely people!
  • Our session on Kathyrn Stockett's 'The Help' is next Wednesday at 2pm in Bookends! 
And that's it! if you require anymore information, please email, or tweet us under @EHU_Bookclub or Facebook us under ehu bookclub! Hope to see you next Wednesday for our session on The Help.
