Thursday, 24 March 2011


Welcome to the official blog for EHU_Bookclub!

EHU_Bookclub is a monthly bookclub that has been setup and is welcome for all students and staff on Edge Hill University's Ormskirk campus. The purpose for the club is for people who love reading books that they have read or heard about while also taking suggestions from its bookclub members and compiling a list of the books that the bookclub can discuss.Also, we are discussing of arranging and organising social events:- such as going to plays/theatres, going on nights out etc. 

We've had alot of interest in the bookclub on Twitter and many people including Edge Hill University and a few students from the University have very kindly spread the word about the club. And we're hoping that once we're set up, the word will spread and the bookclub will have a strong following. Every month we will meet at Borders Cafe (which is in the Library on the ground floor) at 5pm, lasting until about half 6 and discuss the books that we have selected. Our first meeting is on the 8th April at 5pm where everyone will meet each other and everyone hopefully will bring along a few suggestions of what they would like to read.The deadline for book suggestions is the 4th April, which gives us time to sift through and pick the most popular suggestions. And then work out with the members which books they would like to read each month. 

I hope this blog provides you with all the information you need to either come to the bookclub or become interested. If you need any details, then please find us on Twitter and tweet us. The name of our Twitter page is EHU_bookclub or if you would like to email us, then email

Hopefully see you on the 8th April at 5pm


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