Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Ickle Update...

Just an ickle update for you all. Firstly, as you know 'One Day' session on Friday had to be cancelled due to Sarah's goddaughter being ill. But we want to run this session as soon as possible as Sarah's got everything ready for the session! The dates have been on our FB and Twitter page and here's the selection you have to choose from:- 27th May, 30th May, 3rd June, 6th June and the 10th June. We hope to settle this rescheduling soon! 

Also, within the rescheduled session, we need to discuss summer arrangements, people signing up for email updates on the Bookclub, our posters that WILL be posted around shortly and also Fresher's Week... which leads me onto the subject...

Fresher's Week. We do have an session with the English department at the end of the month regarding how they can help us advertise within Fresher's Week and also throughout the academic year. Which is great. However, we have not received any word from the SU to see if they can include us in Fresher Week's packs etc. And we would like to hold a meeting, event or even a chat on FB or Twitter to try and organise an event in Fresher's Week with ALL members to promote the club? If you have ANY suggestions, big or small, then please email, FB or Tweet us. 

Well, that's about it. For now. Hope the rescheduled date for 'One Day' happens soon. If you need any more information about us, then please feel free to email us at or tweet us under:- EHU_Bookclub on Twitter or find us on Facebook at:- ehu_bookclub.


Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Rescheduling of 'One Day'

Hey Guys,

Due to circumstances beyond the control of Sarah who was leading the session on 'One Day' on the 20th May, sadly we are in the process of rescheduling the session. On our FB and Twitter page, we have given three dates for members to choose from. 

The Bookclub and Sarah apologise refusively for this and would like to do the session as soon as possible.

Please let us know ASAP which date suits. If not, then Sarah will do a webcam session so no one will miss the event!

If you need any more information, then please email us at, tweet us on Twitter under: EHU_Bookclub or find us at Facebook under ehu_bookclub.


Friday, 20 May 2011

Update before 2nd Session...

Hey guys! So much to catch up with before the 'One Day' session. Here's it is:-

  • FB, Twitter and Emails:- The word seems to be spreading! Many thanks to old and new members for sticking with us. Let's keep this going!
  • Word from the SU:- We've still heard nothing! But we'll see what happens
  • Posters- We have thanks to Jen the opportunity to show you at the session tonight the poster for 'One Day'. And it looks amazing! We would like to thank Jen for the poster and a present is awaiting for you when you can come to one of the sessions!
  • One Day:- We have positive comments sent through Twitter and Email about the book. We are glad you have or are enjoying it and we hope to see you today
  • English Department at EHU- We have a meeting at the end of the month to see if the bookclub can be promoted during their Fresher's Week packs and also promote us throughout the year which is great!
  • Library- We have had an amazing response! The library are behind us! And can put posters up around to promote us!
  • Email updates- We have mentioned on our FB and Twitter page about this issue. We will discuss this at our session today and see what people think. Again, if you are interested, then please email, FB or tweet us your email and we can add you to the list!
  • Booklist Book update- In order to track the Bookclub's progression and also for people to catch up on what they have missed, we will post a blog after the sessions and the leader of each session  will hopefully write a quick blog demonstrating all the points we discussed in the session. We will be discussing this today! Also, if you will be missing a session but would like to see the discussion material, agendas etc, then just email us and we'll send them out.
We hope to see you at our next session today or in June. If you have any questions about how to join the Bookclub, you can find us on FB under: ehu_bookclub, on Twitter: EHU_Bookclub or email us Everyone is welcome and there may be cake (on selected days!!)


Monday, 9 May 2011

A much needed update

So much as gone on with the club, we feel that we need to update you!

Firstly, we are sad to say that one of the leading founders of the Bookclub is off to pasters new to New Zealand to finish off the final year of her undergraduate degree. But she has left the following statement:-

'I would like to officially announce that I have been offered the opportunity to complete the third year of my degree in New Zealand. I'm very shocked yet happy that this has happened.
But this sadly leaves me to announce that I will be stepping down organising the club in order to take this opportunity. But do not fear! The Bookclub will still continue under the hands of an amazing co-founder who I believe will continue to make progression and progress with the bookclub. And she will do an amazing job.
I would like to thank every single person who has helped or has been involved with setting up the Bookclub and getting it into the position it is now. We've proven to people that there is a need for it and we will continue in every way we can to keep the Bookclub.'

Many thanks Emz x'

I'm sure on behalf of everyone who is involved at EHU_Bookclub would like to wish Emz the best of the luck with the degree and hopes it'll be a successful year.

Now for more news:-

  • Growth of the Twitter page and FB page- We have recieved huge responses from both pages. We would like to thank everyone for joining us or staying with us and thanks for spreading the word!
  • Posters- We have a few people interested in the posters and many thanks to everyone who expressed an interest. Hopefully, we will have some posters by the next session to look at!
  • English and History department- Over the next coming months, we will be contacting the tutors in the English and History department to spread the word about the Bookclub. And also in Septmeber, the new Freshers will be here and hopefully the Bookclub will attract some new members and help people feel comfortable about being an new student at EHU.
  • SU- We have contacted the SU on campus to see if they can help in way promote the club. We're just awaiting a reply!
  • Next Session- The next session is on the 20th May at 5pm, meeting at BookEnds in the Library. The book we will be discussing is 'One Day' By David Nicholls. This book surprised many critics last year and also this year and was awarded an National Galaxy Book Award. Leading the session will be Sarah who will provide questions and some material to help the discussion and we will be posting our findings on the blog for people to see and track the development of the club.
We hope to see you at our next session. If you have any questions about how to join the Bookclub, you can find us on FB under: ehu_bookclub, on Twitter: EHU_Bookclub or email us Everyone is welcome and there may be cake!!
