Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Ickle Update...

Just an ickle update for you all. Firstly, as you know 'One Day' session on Friday had to be cancelled due to Sarah's goddaughter being ill. But we want to run this session as soon as possible as Sarah's got everything ready for the session! The dates have been on our FB and Twitter page and here's the selection you have to choose from:- 27th May, 30th May, 3rd June, 6th June and the 10th June. We hope to settle this rescheduling soon! 

Also, within the rescheduled session, we need to discuss summer arrangements, people signing up for email updates on the Bookclub, our posters that WILL be posted around shortly and also Fresher's Week... which leads me onto the subject...

Fresher's Week. We do have an session with the English department at the end of the month regarding how they can help us advertise within Fresher's Week and also throughout the academic year. Which is great. However, we have not received any word from the SU to see if they can include us in Fresher Week's packs etc. And we would like to hold a meeting, event or even a chat on FB or Twitter to try and organise an event in Fresher's Week with ALL members to promote the club? If you have ANY suggestions, big or small, then please email, FB or Tweet us. 

Well, that's about it. For now. Hope the rescheduled date for 'One Day' happens soon. If you need any more information about us, then please feel free to email us at or tweet us under:- EHU_Bookclub on Twitter or find us on Facebook at:- ehu_bookclub.


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